Roundup Resilience
Every moment is precious for the children we serve. On their behalf, we must assure that we have the ability to respond and adapt quickly to any challenge that comes our way.
If we have learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic, it is that Roundup River Ranch’s mission is more important than ever for the children and families we serve. Isolated, alone, and at high-risk, these vulnerable children found an emotional lifeline in our rapid and effective pivot to virtual camp experiences. The pandemic strengthened our resolve to deliver the Roundup River Ranch mission even in the wake of falling markets, unexpected emergencies, and national stress.
Every day of the year, Roundup River Ranch operates in an environment where every detail must be intentional and planned months in advance for the safety of every camper. The Roundup the Possibilities Campaign will further build critical operating and capital reserves that will provide a safety net when cash flow is unreliable, and financial flexibility to make short-term decisions that will have a long-term impact.

“We have an incredibly nimble and creative staff who, in 2020, have brought camp to kids and families wherever they are. We have an obligation to make sure that there is always camp, no matter the challenges.” – Julie Sullivan, Board Member, and Donor