Typical Day for a Medical Volunteer

A Day In the Life of a Medical Volunteer

There is no typical day at camp for nurses or others on the medical team, there are always fun, new, and exciting things happening around here! Regardless of the day, we can pretty much guarantee that you’ll have fun, learn something new about the campers, and perfect your camp dancing skills.

The Depot, our medical center, is staffed 24/7 with a physician and registered nurse. There will be a nurse and an MD on call at night for any medical concerns or emergency response required.

Our nursing team will be assigned to work directly with one cabin and will be responsible for all the care needed for the cabin’s campers – medications, bowel programs, daily care, etc.

When not performing medical duties, our goal is for the medical team to have fun at Roundup River Ranch and spend time with the campers!


We follow a set schedule each day that includes:

Medication Distribution: Routine medications are distributed by each nurse to their assigned cabin of campers before, during, and sometimes right after meals. Medications at bedtime are distributed in the cabin before cabin chat. The nurses in the cabin may distribute medications outside of mealtimes, the activity areas, or wherever the camper is!  

sun 7:30 AM Early Elk. Kick off the camp day with early morning camp activities with your early rising campers.
8:30 AM Breakfast with your cabin and lots of camp dancing! 
10:00 AM Morning activities. Medical volunteer support activities, providing medical support at boating, and other activities as needed, or float between activities to see your cabin’s campers in action. 
12:30 PM Lunch and medication distribution. 
1:30 PM Feet off the Floor Time – even medical volunteers need a rest during the day to prepare for a full afternoon of fun. Lectures by other medical volunteers are sometimes offered. 
3:00 PM Afternoon activities start and are supported again by medical volunteers. 
spaghetti 6:00 PM Dinner, medical distribution, and even more camp dancing with your cabin. 
7:30 PM Evening Programs, which include campfires, camp games, Stage Night, and more time to have fun with your cabin’s campers.


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