Meet the twins, Chase & Jordyn! They have been coming to camp for three years together and have loved the experience since their first year. When they first came to camp, Jordyn shared, “It was the first place that we ever met someone else, besides ourselves, with celiac.” Meeting new people on a similar life journey allowed them both to connect immediately. Jordyn said, “It just helps knowing more people. You can talk to them about food recommendations, or safe restaurants, or medical issues. Even if it isn’t celiac, a lot of us have EoE, so we can relate to different issues.”
Meeting new friends has been one of the best parts of camp for Chase and Jordyn. Chase shared that everyone at camp is so welcoming and that it’s all about having fun, “It’s like hanging out all week with best friends that you have known your whole life. Even if you are not outgoing, you are still a part of everything and will have a good time.”
The siblings shared that they always try to include others at camp and welcome them into the group. Chase said how important it is to talk to everyone and include them, with Jordyn echoing that statement, “It’s easy to go out of your way to talk to people and include them if they are sitting alone. Just be nice! After the first or second day people are more comfortable.”
Of course, camp is about more than just the relationships—it’s also about the fun activities! Jordyn and Chase have enjoyed returning to camp to “get better at things.” Chase loves archery because of all the bullseyes he hits, and Jordyn enjoys naming her canoe during boating and catching fish. Chase mentioned that since this week was “Color Week,” his boat was named the Purple Pirates… and they got robbed twice!
Overall the twins say that camp is fun, creative, adventurous, courageous, outgoing, and social. As Chase puts it, “Everyone should come to camp!”